Statement on the Closing of Bob's Underground Cafe and Lyle's Pub

Press Release

Bob's Underground Cafe

Every worker deserves to be given due notice before their workplace is closing and have a say in how their workplace is run. The administration provided workers at Bob’s and Lyle’s neither, despite the fact that they cited recurring problems as their reasons to close these restaurants and thus could have alerted the employees of these establishments, and the student body, before the end of the previous academic year.

The College claims that social justice and self-governance are part of its core values, but firing students and providing them with little notice that their jobs are being taken away, excluding student employees from the decision-making process surrounding closing the restaurants, and being ignorant of the fact that students rely on these positions to cover tuition and other expenses suggest that in the eyes of the College these claims are not ideals to strive for but empty promises meant to lure applicants and boost its reputation.

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